Casa Palmas 

Casa Palmas surgió como respuesta a las necesidades de una familia de cuatro integrantes, respetando las posibilidades económicas y espaciales que se requerían.
Su formalidad, honesta y sencilla, busca captar la luz natural. El emplazamiento se pensó en sección longitudinal para contener el programa arquitectónico y beneficiarse de las orientaciones. Su cubierta dentada orientada al sur, ilumina de manera constante y uniforme el interior del volumen. Al exterior, la casa convive con la imagen urbana del centro de Texcoco mientras que al interior se cierra visualmente para aprovechar al máximo las condiciones irregulares del terreno. Al emplazar la casa al centro del predio, surgieron dos patios con el fin de separarse de sus colindancias, cada uno con distinta identidad.
Casa Palmas otorga otro sentido a la arquitectura social y contemporánea del Estado de México la cual tiene que estar ligada con las necesidades, pensada para el usuario y su forma de habitar: con la premisa de que la arquitectura es para todos.

Palmas House

Palmas House surged as a response to a four-member family, considering the economic and spatial necessities.
The exploration of the natural light relies on a simple and an honest solution. The position of the main building was based on the existing guidelines in order to contain the architectural program and provide two courtyards that separate it from its neighbors. Each of the courtyards has their own identity and function. The introverted spatial approach closes visually to the outside and resolves most of the irregular conditions of the context. The geometry is discovered on the streetscape views by its jagged roof in the south and north elevation. The geometry and opening on the roof constantly and uniformly illuminates the interior of the volume. The shadows are projected on the walls, traversing them and transforming during the course of the day.
Casa Palmas provides a different meaning to the social and contemporary architecture of the local area. It shows the way architecture can improve life conditions through spatial experiences that must not depend on large budgets. Also, it should be linked to functional, spiritual needs and new ways of living under the idea that architecture is for everyone.




Artes gráficos


Raúl Medina
Sergio Sousa

Angélica Pasten
Mariana Morales
Daniel Castillo
Abraham Servin

Guillermina Gocher

Mezcla Brava

Onnis Luque

Mérida 164, Int 301. Roma Norte, CDMX